The New Playground Design

The New Playground Design
Bracebridge Kids Have Spoken!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011


Site preparation has begun and soon our playground equipment will be here! We can hardly wait. Thank you to all who have volunteered your time, your talent and your treasure! We are so close to making this dream a reality.

WE STILL NEED $10,000 TO REACH OUR GOAL TO BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE ALL OF OUR PLANS ON SEPT 10.   That means 100 people, businesses or organizations who could contribute $100 each - our community can do this - so spread the word, ask your family, your friends and neighbours, and the businesses you patronize if they would consider contributing to putting the sparkle back into Annie Williams Memorial Park.
Also, please encourage your kids to bring their bicycles, as there will be plans to decorate them and have them ridden in the opening ceremony parade!  The entire event will be broadcast on the internet from coast to coast!